web reinforcement meaning in English
- Based on shear transfer mechanism and carrying capacity of the cracking surface of rc members , the shear strength expression of the corroded rc structural elements without web reinforcement is obtained originally
对于锈蚀无腹筋梁,从开裂面的受力状态出发,根据开裂面的抗剪机制,分析了锈蚀无腹筋梁的抗剪强度。 - Abstract : based on the systematic analysis of the shear behavior for r . c . beams , the tests of 11 simple supported beams under the top concentrated loads and the uniform loads are supplemented . the prime variable is shear span ratio , span depth ratio , horizontal web reinforcement ratio and vertical web reinforcement ratio . according to the test results , the working behavior , the prime shear failure modes , the effect of concrete and web reinforcement ( horizontal web reinforcement and vertical web reinforcement ) and other aspects of r . c . beams are analysed . the uniform calculation method for shear capacity of deep beams , short beams and shallow beams for practical is presented
文摘:在对国内外钢筋混凝土梁的受剪性能进行较系统分析的基础上,补充了11根钢筋混凝土简支短梁在顶部集中荷载和均布荷载作用下的试验,试验梁的主要变化参数为剪跨比、跨高比、水平腹筋率和垂直腹筋率.根据试验结果,对试验梁的工作性能、主要的剪切破坏形态、混凝土项的抗剪作用、抗剪腹筋(包括水平腹筋、垂直腹筋)的作用等进行了较为深入的分析,提出了可适用钢筋混凝土深梁、短梁和浅梁相互协调的受剪承载力的统一计算方法 - The research works and conclusions of this paper as following : 1 . besed on the test results published over the word of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcements and with stirrups , the systematically statistical analysis is carried out to set up the fomula of shear resistance of reinforced concrete beams using the uniaxial tensile strength of concrete . it provided the basis of strtistical analysis for shear resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams
根据收集到的国内外对钢筋混凝土无腹筋梁和钢筋混凝土有腹筋梁的斜截面承载力试验研究成果,进行了比较系统的综合统计分析,提出了采用混凝土轴心抗拉强度研究成果,进行了比较系统的综合统计分析,提出了采用混凝土轴心抗拉强度指标的钢筋混凝土梁斜截面承载力计算公式,为钢筋钢纤维混凝土梁受剪承载力试验结果的统计分析提供了基础。 - The shear strength of the no corroded rc beams with stirrups is divided by two parts , that is the strength provided by the stirrups and the beams without web reinforcement . on the basis of this shearing mechanism of rc structural elements with web reinforcement , considering the confining effects of the stirrups , the shear carrying capacity expression of the corroded rc structural elements is given . the present results are compared with corresponding references and some reasonable conclusions are drawn
对于锈蚀有腹筋梁的抗剪承载力问题,基于未锈蚀有腹筋梁抗剪强度公式建立的原理,即未锈蚀有腹筋梁的抗剪强度为相应未锈蚀无腹筋梁的抗剪强度和箍筋对梁抗剪强度贡献两部分的叠加,考虑箍筋的约束作用对斜截面抗剪强度的贡献,建立了有腹筋构件斜截面抗剪承载力的计算表达式,且与相关文献的结果进行了比较。 - 2 . based on the test results published over the word of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcements and with stirrups , the effects of steel fiber to shear resistance and the relationship of steel fiber to stirrups are analyzed , the improvements of steel fiber to failure states of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcements are discussed . it is proposed that the formula of shear resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams based on the model of the current design and construction spectification of steel fiber reinforced concrete structures ( cecs38 : 92 ) , used of the uniaxial tensile strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete , and combined with different formulas specified in current design codes of concrete structures issued by different trades
根据收集到的国内外对钢筋钢纤维混凝土无腹筋梁和钢筋钢纤维混凝土有腹筋梁的斜截面受力性能试验研究成果,对钢纤维在增强钢筋混凝土无腹筋梁和有腹筋梁斜截面承载力方面的作用及其在箍筋抗剪承载力的关系进行了总结分析,对钢纤维改善钢筋混凝土梁破坏形态方面的作用进行了分析讨论,提出了采用钢纤维混凝土轴心抗拉强度指标,基于现行cecs38 : 92 《钢纤维混凝土结构设计与施工规程》计算模式、能够与目前国内各行业现行混凝土结构设计规范中不同的钢筋混凝土梁受剪承载力设计方法配套使用的钢筋钢纤维混凝土梁受剪承载力设计方法。